Thousand Trails Lake Tawakoni
1246 Rains County Road 1470, Point, TX 75472Thousand Trails Lake Tawakoni
1246 Rains County Road 1470, Point, TX 75472Having trouble with the map/GPS directions? Follow the special directions below.
Elev is 447 ft.
From the east: Take I-30 west to Highway 11/Highway 19 in Sulphur Springs, Texas. Take Exit 122 off I-30 and turn left (south) at the Highway 11 intersection. Travel on Highway 11 for a half mile, then Highway 11 will split into Highway 11 south and Highway 19 south. Continue on Highway 19 south towards I-69 in Emory, Texas. At the I-69 intersection, turn right (I-69 North) and continue towards to Highway 276. At the Highway 276 intersection, turn left (276 West). Continue on Highway 276 West to FM 47. At the FM 47 intersection, turn left (FM 47 South) and continue to the campground entrance on Rains County Road 1470. Look for the Thousand Trails signs at the campground entrance which will be on the right.
From the north: Take I-69 to FM 47 in Point, Texas. Proceed on FM 47 south to the campground entrance on Rains County Road 1470. Follow the signs to Thousand Trails.
From I-20: Take I-20 to Highway 64 in Canton, Texas. Take Exit 523 off I-20 and turn right at the Highway 64 intersection (64 West). Continue on Highway 64 west to I-80 in Wills Point, Texas. At the I-80 intersection, turn left (I-80 West). Continue on I-80 west to the FM 47/Fourth Street junction. Turn right onto FM 47 north. Follow signs for FM 47 north to the campground entrance on Rains County Road 1470. Look for the Thousand Trails signs at the campground entrance which will be on the left.
GPS Coordinates: N32°52'27.43"; W95°54'19.44"

TO: Lake Tawakoni
1246 Rains County Road 1470, Point, TX 75472